Upward Bound Camp

Upward Bound Camp

Upward Bound Camp Overview Upward Bound supports the belief that every person is important, created by God, worthy of love and caring service. UBC gives every participant opportunities to realize and share their gifts and strengths with each other. From their website “Upward Bound Camp (UBC) provides year-around, Christian-based recreational and educational camp experiences for…

T&T Cares LLC

T&T Cares LLC

T&T Cares LLC Overview From their website “At T&T Cares, our mission is to provide exceptional support services to individuals with I/DD in Oregon.We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment for both our clients and employees, and are committed to advocating for and empowering individuals with I/DD to live their best lives.We believe…

Bend Forest School
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Bend Forest School

Bend Forest School provides preschool through 5th grade options for children and their families who love being in nature and wish to grow an appreciation for all the wilderness has to offer. Forest schools are increasing in popularity as a way for kids to re-engage with their outdoor environment, among other wonderful benefits research has confirmed.